Eluvio Content Fabric
Eluvio (https://eluv.io, https://github.com/eluv-io) is the creator and developer of the Content Fabric (https://eluv.io/content-fabric), a full-featured decentralized media platform. It provides all the functions necessary to build consumer-scale video and media-rich applications in one software stack, replacing conventional media transcoding pipelines and storage (such as AWS), CDNs, DRM services and content management systems.
The Content Fabric is made of content nodes, which are all the same, and each content node provides the full content API and functionality. Like IPFS and other distributed-hash storage systems, the content fabric is content-addressed, and storage is spread across nodes. The underlying ‘content networking’ is designed specifically for real-time content retrieval in a decentralized system where nodes may come in and out.
The first implementation of the content fabric protocol was done on top of an EVM-compatible blockchain. We started working on a Substrate implementation a few years ago and we are planning to release the first Substrate-based testnet in the fall of 2023 and then a Kusama parachain in early 2024.
Many prestigious web3 media projects are hosted on the content fabric, including Warner Brother’s Lord of the Rings, Superman and The Flash (https://web3.wb.com), WWE (https://www.wwemoonsault.com/), Dolly Parton’s “Dollyverse” (https://welcometodollyverse.com/) as well as regular video applications, consumer or business, from independent creators to major studios (MGM, Sony, Warner, Fox, and more).